Foolproof lead generation tips to take you to the next level

Whether you are looking for your very first subscribers or aiming for your next 100,000 sales, we’ve got lead generation tips to take your business to the next level. 

What is lead generation?
Lead generation is the process of attracting the right visitors to your website and getting them interested in your products or services. These potential customers are your leads.
Lead generation is important at every stage of a customer’s journey – from when they are looking for a solution to a problem right up until they decide whether they want to buy from you or work with you.
Your website is your number one lead generation tool and visitors to your site become leads when they do something like subscribe to your email or blog, or start a free trial. 
Our list of tips has something for everyone, so pick the tips that are relevant to your business and watch your visitors become leads and your leads become customers…

Create a video
Many people prefer to get their information by watching videos, and a promo video is the perfect way to really show your product or service in action.
Keep videos to about a minute and a half long, so that you can show enough, without giving viewers a chance to get bored. 
You could also do more in-depth videos on how to use your product or its benefits (explainer videos). Take the example of a fitness watch – you could do a video on pairing it with an app, a video on how to use it for a run or bike ride and a video on the type of data it will give you.
Your video doesn’t even need to be hosted on your own site. You can post it on YouTube with a link through from your website, so that people can search YouTube and come across your content that way. 
If you are not good at presenting yourself on video, get a colleague to do it for you – or get a company in to help. You want to be sure your video looks professional.

Blog regularly
Blogging is a great way to keep your website’s content fresh, which in turn is good for SEO – Google likes to see content which is regularly updated. 
Create a wide variety of content so that your blog becomes a valuable resource, for example with educational or practical posts. Inject a bit of personality too, so that it is an enjoyable and entertaining read.
Come up with a schedule and stick to it – posting once or twice a week works well. Don’t blog four times in a week, then post nothing for a month because you’ve run out of ideas!

Add content upgrades
Once a user has read your blog, offer them a little bit extra, in the form of a content upgrade – or lead magnet – to give them extra value. 
So if your blogpost is really long, your content upgrade could be a single page PDF with all the key points. Other examples of content upgrades include a full research report or a new piece of exclusive audio or video. Offering something extra increases the likelihood of visitors subscribing to your email list by as much as 10 times.

Add social buttons to your emails
Social buttons will make it easier for email subscribers to follow your business on social media. And if your emails are worth reading, they are worth sharing too – social buttons will help subscribers to share your content on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. This is a great way for you to pick up more email subscribers and more social media followers, increasing your audience.
You don’t have to use regular social media logos – get your designer to create versions especially for you, which are a better fit for your brand.

Work with bloggers and influencers
Consider using part of your advertising budget to give away products or service to bloggers or influencers in the right niche. Some influencers have huge followings on social media – and if they are in your niche, at least some of their followers will be too.
If they like your product, they will share it on their networks, including YouTube, Instagram and their own blogs, and may provide you with a backlink, which will help to boost your own SEO.

Guest blog for others
If you know which other sites your audience visits, it is a good idea to guest blog for them. As long as they are not in direct competition, you can add value to the other site, get a backlink and reach a new audience.
If writing isn’t your strong point, get a ghostwriter to blog on your behalf. If you want to impress a new audience, you need to be sure your writing and grammar are up to scratch.

Invite others to blog for you
If you want to tap into an influencer’s network and reach some of their audience, invite them to guest blog on your site. They are unlikely to do this for free, so make sure you offer to pay them.
They will be happy with the backlink and the chance to reach a new audience, while you get some quality content and a fresh voice on your site. The guest blogger will almost certainly share the post through their own networks, giving you the potential to pick up more social media followers and email subscribers.

Network at events
Sometimes it’s good to step out from behind the screen and get out into the real world. Look for conferences or events in your niche in your local area. They are a great way to network with potential customers, as well as influencers who could promote your product.
If you are feeling confident and think you have something to say that could add value for others, consider taking it a step further and applying to speak at a conference.

Add exit-intent pop-ups
Exit-intent pop-ups detect when a visitor is about to leave your site. They appear, often with a promotion, at the last minute. 
The interruption is often enough to stop a visitor from leaving and encourages them to look again at the product they were considering or to finish off filling in your subscriber form.

Use Twitter search
Using Twitter’s own search feature (or even just scrolling through your feed or searching hashtags), will let you see what people are talking about on Twitter.
If some common questions or issues crop up, write a blogpost to address those issues. Then respond to all of the tweets with a link to your article.
Not only will your blogpost get views, but you have the potential to turn these views into new Twitter followers, new email subscribers and fans of your brand.

Use a Twitter poll
A Twitter poll is a great way to gather information, which you can then use to improve your lead generation efforts.
Offer between two and four options in your poll and keep them simple eg ‘What flavour would you like us to produce next?’ or ‘Which colour of paint do you prefer?’.

Promote your tweets
Twitter is a great tool for generating leads, particularly if you are primarily a business to business company, rather than business to consumer. But Twitter moves very fast. Your tweets will disappear from a person’s feed within minutes.
But you can stay at the top of the newsfeed by paying to promote your best tweets. Pricing is variable and dependent on a number of factors, but if you choose ‘website clicks and conversions’ as your objective, you will only be charged when someone clicks the link to your site.

Make sure your content answers common queries
When you know what people are searching for online, you can create the content that answers their questions and solves their problems – either by adapting existing posts or writing new ones.
Search Google for ideas that will help you gain leads. Look up your competitors to see what their top pages are and look up keywords, extended phrases and similar words.
You can also use Google Webmaster tools to see which keywords are already driving traffic to your site. 

Make your site smartphone friendly
With more web traffic than ever coming from smartphones (currently just over half of internet access is through mobile devices), it is important that your beautiful website design works well on a small screen. 
Make sure that everything, from your call to action to your forms, fits the small screen. And as typing on a smartphone is harder than typing on a desktop or laptop, keep your forms as brief as possible, so that visitors aren’t put off filling them in.

Add a slide-in scroll box
A slide-in scroll box is a discreet call to action, which appears on the bottom of your screen, so it is visible but not too disruptive!
The box displays a short message, with space to capture a visitor’s all-important email address.

Create a survey or quiz
A survey or quiz is a great way to get traffic and interaction on your site, as well as helping you pick up valuable information. Make it fairly short and offer a lead magnet for taking part, so that visitors are happy to spend five minutes on it during their lunch break or between jobs.
Ask for their emails at the end to pick up new subscribers – and so you can email them to follow up on any of their questions and ideas.

Set up an affiliate programme
If bloggers or influencers love your products or services, set up an affiliate programme so they can share the love. They include links to your products in their content, meaning you can reach a much bigger potential audience. 
If a blogger or influencer make a sale through an affiliate link, they make a small percentage of the cost for themselves. As you only pay them when they make a sale, this can be a very cost-effective form of marketing.

Use reassuring language
If something seems too good to be true, your audience may fear that it is! Big concerns are always whether they are going to be charged for something or whether their data will be shared.
So make the language on your site clear and reassuring:
• ‘Sign up here for free’
• ‘You can be sure that we will never share your data’
If they trust you, they are far more likely to subscribe to your emails.

Use security seals
Visitors to your site want to be sure that their data and any payment details are secure, so make sure you display security seals visibly.
You should always have an SSL certificate, as well as trust seals from safer payment companies like Worldpay.

Split-test your call to action
If your call to action isn’t getting quite the response you were expecting, you need to test what works and what doesn’t. 
Make small changes to see what gets the best response – would a different colour work better? Or maybe a different heading or even placing the call to action button higher up the screen?

Use animations
If a pop-up is moving, your visitors really can’t ignore it! Animation can draw attention to your opt-in forms and make people more likely to subscribe.

Keep your landing page simple
Your landing page should be simple, clear and effective. It should have a clear call to action – a single goal and a single reason why a visitor is on that page.
If there are too many calls to action, too many messages or too many links on your page, reduce them! Your goal is to gain a lead or make a sale, so make sure that is very clear.

Keep your wording consistent
This might seem obvious, but you should make sure the wording on your call to action is the same as the title of your landing page. 
It’s all too easy to forget as you craft your brilliant copy, but if the titles don’t match, many people won’t bother to read all the way through your landing page to check they are in the right place. Instead, they will leave your site and might find the answers they were looking for with one of your competitors.

Share testimonials and reviews
Nothing will make a potential customer trust you more than real reviews from real people. So once you have some customers, get in touch with them and ask if they could share a few words for your website.
Ensure they are visible, perhaps below your opt-in form or scrolling along the bottom of your site, rather than hidden away on an obscure part of your website.

Time is running out…
If stock is running low or a promotion is about to come to an end, it is a great time to encourage visitors to act fast.
Highlight the number of items you have left in stock or the time remaining on your special offer to encourage customers to act and avoid disappointment, rather than wait.

Target based on interests
If your website covers a wide range of products or services, your audience won’t be interested in everything you have to offer. 
So you can target campaigns based on what visitors have browsed on your site. If they have been looking at vegan recipes, there is no point sending them offers on meat or links to your latest blogpost on cooking with minced beef. Sharing a campaign around vegan cooking will make them far more likely to subscribe and buy from you.

Use a ghostwriter
Publishing just one extra blogpost a week can increase traffic by 18.6%, according to recent figures. That is traffic that can all be converted to leads.
But if you are too busy with the day job to write an extra post – or writing isn’t your strong point – hire a ghostwriter to write engaging copy on your behalf. Those extra leads should ensure it is money well spent.

Squint at your page
Can you see the wording on your website if you squint? If you can’t, others won’t be able to either. 
Try a different colour or a larger font to make your call to action legible.

Keep it simple
Want people to opt-in for your lead magnet? You don’t need to sell it to them in great depth – a few bullet points should be all they need to help them make the decision whether or not to sign up and to give you their email address.

It’s not all about the homepage
Your homepage should look beautiful with engaging text and stunning images, right? 
Actually, it’s not as important as you might think. Very few people arrive on your site through your homepage – they will be arriving on a landing page, either following a search or because you have promoted it.
So put your time and energy into optimising the landing pages and blogposts which bring traffic to your site.

Think about colours
There is no right or wrong colours for your page and your call to action button, but there are still a few things to consider.
Keep your colours consistent – so if your call to action buttons are blue, make sure they are always blue. They should also be on brand, so don’t use a colour that doesn’t fit anywhere with your logo or corporate colours. 
People are more likely to use a call to action button where there is a good contrast between the text and the button – so your text could be black or white or an opposing colour (eg red/ green), but it needs to be clear and visible.

Be social on social media
The word ‘social’ can sometimes get forgotten when it comes to social media. Social media isn’t just somewhere for you to endlessly shout about your brilliant products on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. One-sided communication will make people turn away from your brand.
Instead, engage with customers and potential customers on social media. Listen to what they have to say and respond with solutions. In that way, you build relationships with your leads, which ultimately builds loyalty to your brand.

Use social media at the right time of day
Social media moves fast and your posts will be lost in someone’s feed very quickly. So to stand the best chance of getting seen, make sure you are posting at the right time of day. 
For Facebook, that is between 1 and 4pm on Thursdays, Fridays and at the weekend. For Twitter, it is 12-3pm during the working week. For Instagram it is between 11am and 2pm and again between 7pm and 11pm, with a peak on Wednesdays.

Replace words with pictures
A picture says a thousand words, so replace as much of your text as possible with images. 
The brain actually processes images 60,000 times faster than text, so if you want to make your opt-in really stand out, use pictures wherever possible.

Use facts and figures
People like statistics, facts and figures – so make sure you include them in your blogposts to add value.
Convert them into an easy to use infographic for visitors who prefer images to text. Infographics are great for sharing on social media too.

Offer discounts
One of the best ways to convert visitors to customers is by offering them a discount, on either individual products or their total spend. Put a time limit on the discount to encourage people to buy now rather than wait.
But use discounts sparingly – offering them too often will make people think they never need to pay full price.

Don’t say ‘spam’!
Nobody likes spam, so it makes sense to reassure people that you will never spam them, right? 
Actually, even mentioning the word ‘spam’ on your site is enough to reduce conversions by as much as 18%. Say something reassuring instead, like: ‘We will never share your information’.

Join online communities
To position yourself as an expert in your field, as well as a business which is friendly and approachable, join online communities.
This could be a local business group on Facebook, if you only sell in a small geographical area, or a regular Twitter chat for your industry. Get involved, comment regularly and suggest your products and services when appropriate, without coming across as someone who is only interested in the hard sell.

Offer educational content
Educational content is a great way to accelerate lead generation. So whether you are an expert in online marketing, gardening or healthy eating, it is easy to piece together your content into a mini educational course.
Offer your course as your lead magnet when people opt-in to your subscriber list.

Comment on blogs
If you have something to add value, or even a friendly and encouraging word to say, spend some time commenting on blogs in your niche. This will help you reach a wider audience made up of the blog’s readers.
There will usually be space for you to add your own website URL to the comment form, but don’t spam by adding it in the body of your comment. This is considered particularly bad form in some niches.

Show your face
People want to see the face behind the business on your website. Research shows that photos including faces on Instagram receive 38% more likes than those without.
So put your leads at ease with photos of yourself and your team on your site.

Offer a free sample
Samples and giveaways are a great way to get people excited about your products. Obviously this works particularly well for food products.
Leads who sign up for a free sample have already shown a real interest in your product. If your product is good, particularly in terms of taste and value, they should hopefully be back for more. If they share their samples with friends and family, this can prove to be a very effective form of lead generation.

Make an offer they can’t refuse
Stand out from the crowd with an irresistible offer. It could be a discount, a free sample or exclusive free content.
Engage with your audience to find out the one thing they would be unable to refuse. Communicate with them through social media or face-to-face if you have a bricks and mortar shop.

Syndicate your blogposts
When you’ve spent time writing a brilliant blogpost, you want it to be seen by as wide an audience as possible. So consider syndicating it. That means you pay a little bit of money (usually pay per click) for it to be suggested as ‘recommended reading’ on other blogs in the same niche.
Although these links won’t usually count for your SEO, they are a great way of driving more traffic to your site.

Spend time on your headlines
Your headline is what draws people in to read your blog or sign up for your lead magnet. That’s why you should spend time getting your headline right. 
Your headline should make people want to click and keep reading, so it has to generate interest in your topic. And remember not to make it too long – you want to be sure it will fit properly on a smartphone screen.
Whatever industry you work in, hopefully you will find there is something for everyone in our foolproof lead generation tips. Start with the tips that are going to get you the quick wins and will be relatively inexpensive to implement. Before you know it, you should begin to see your visitors become leads and your leads become customers.
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